A distraction for the night

Tonight we went for an excursion in downton Kampala.  During the day we had met Dr. Emmanuel's assistant, a Caroline MacLeod from Scotland.  She told us she was going to a Ceildh (pronounced "Kay-Lee" but probably not spelled correctly by me) and she invited our group.  Most of us decided to check it out, so we piled 17 in a minivan and another 5 in  her personal vehicle.  The "Kay-Lee" is a Scottish dance and was held in a Latin club in Kampala.  We learned 4 traditional scottish line dances and had a great time.  We also found out about a Burns Dinner next Tuesday in Kampala to honor the Scottish poet Robert Burns.  7 of us have signed up and are looking forward toasting the haggis next Tuesday.

more later....

1 comment:

  1. Haggis in Kampala...who knew? You are missing great weather here in MN....-21 degrees in MG last night. Minus 46 degrees in I. Falls (real temp, not wind chill)!

    Enjoy the free time
