Home at last

We arrived at the airport in Entebbe for our journey home at 10:00PM.  Due to increased security, we had to be dropped off with our luggage at the lower level and carry our baggage up two flights of stairs to the check-in level.  The shower that I took before leaving for the airport was pretty much wasted at this point.  However, we all made it through check-in and flew from Uganda at 1:45AM.  After an uneventful flight, we arrived in Amsterdam at 7:40AM and had a few hours to explore Amsterdam.  After saying goodbye to Jim and Bob (who had an earlier flight), we ventured out.  First we got train tickets for a round trip from the airport.  After asking several people (very few of which spoke English) we were on our way.  After going through several stops and realizing that the scenery was becoming more rural, we decided we were headed in the wrong direction.  We exited the train, crossed to tracks headed in the right direction and 25 minutes later were in downtown Amsterdam.  What a culture shock!  Amsterdam is very liberal with their laws and ideals.  There were many stores that openly advertised drug use and other things.  We were able to find some excellent cheese shops and eating places.  After arriving back safely at the airport and boarding our last flight, we made it safely home.  All in all, it was a great trip with great weather, great patient numbers, great experiences, and everyone being safe.

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